CD/DVD Recordings

Don Giovanni
W.A. Mozart
Opera Australia
Released 2011 - CD/DVD
Role: Don Ottavio

Der Rosenkavalier
Richard Strauss
Opera Australia
Released 2012 - CD/DVD
Role: Italian Singer

Brett Dean
Opera Australia
Released 2015 - CD
Roles: Nigel Clunes / Aldo
An Australian War Requiem
Christopher Bowen
Sydney University Graduate Choir
Released 2014 - CD/DVD
Role: Tenor soloist (Soldier)
P. J. Hogan (director)
Released 2012 - DVD
Role: Voice-over to "So Long, Farewell"
BRIGHT POET, Henry’s debut solo album, showcases the radiant beauty of his voice. Each of the lyric arias and songs presented on the CD has special meaning - some have shaped Henry’s professional career to date, others are beacons for roles towards which he continues to strive. More…
Henry Choo is a registered Australian business sole trader ABN 28 061 067 206. The BRIGHT POET website is the e-commerce website for the promotion and sale of Henry Choo's debut solo album BRIGHT POET, released in 2018. This site is designed by Henry Choo. All content unless otherwise credited is copyrighted to Henry Choo, and is used with permission.